Agilent B2900A low-noise power source precision instruments


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The Agilent B2961A/B2962A 6.5 digit low noise power sources are revolutionary power supplies for precision low-noise voltage/current sourcing that feature 6.5 digit, 100 nV/10 fA resolution, 10 μVrms noise, bipolar 210 V/3 A (10.5 A pulse) range, innovative sourcing functions, and GUI.

Image 1:
The Agilent B2961A/B2962A 6.5 digit low noise power sources are revolutionary power supplies for precision low-noise voltage/current sourcing that feature 6.5 digit, 100 nV/10 fA resolution, 10 μVrms noise, bipolar 210 V/3 A (10.5 A pulse) range, innovative sourcing functions, and GUI.

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The optional ultra low noise filter for the Agilent B2961A/B2962A dramatically reduces output noise to 10 μVrms or 1 nVrms/√Hz at 10 kHz and reveals true characteristics of your devices/samples. This outstanding performance enables noise-sensitive device tests and evaluation for such as VCO, ADC, sensors, etc.

Image 2:
The optional ultra low noise filter for the Agilent B2961A/B2962A dramatically reduces output noise to 10 μVrms or 1 nVrms/√Hz at 10 kHz and reveals true characteristics of your devices/samples. This outstanding performance enables noise-sensitive device tests and evaluation for such as VCO, ADC, sensors, etc.

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The Agilent B2961A/B2962A has a 4.3” color LCD that supports both graphical and numerical viewing modes, and enables quick test setup and quick test status check. This intuitive graphical user interface dramatically improves usability and productivity of bench-top tests and debug.

Image 3:
The Agilent B2961A/B2962A has a 4.3” color LCD that supports both graphical and numerical viewing modes, and enables quick test setup and quick test status check. This intuitive graphical user interface dramatically improves usability and productivity of bench-top tests and debug.

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Related Information
  Press Release:

Agilent Technologies Announces Precision Low-Noise Power Source for Electronics Industry and Research

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